For early birds, abstracts will be included in the 'Programme & Proceeding' book.
The full research articles can be published in either one of the Scopus listed journals through this conference(with additional charges).
-Journal of Social Sciences Research Q3.
-Opcion Q3.
Besides that, here is the list of peer-refereed journals available for publication in this conference:
- International Journal of Law, Government and Communication (IJLGC) elSSN: 0128 -1763 –
-Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED) elSSN: 0128-1755 - www.jised.com/
-International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business (IJAFB) elSSN: 0128-1844 - www.ijafb.com/
-Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management (JTHEM) elSSN: 0128-178X -
-Journal of Information System and Technology Management (JISTM) elSSN: 0128-1666 - www.jistm.com/
-International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC) elSSN: 0128-164X -
-International Journal of Heritage, Art and Multimedia (IJHAM) elSSN: 2600-8262 - www.ijham.com/
-International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy and Language (IJHPL) SSN: 2600-8270 - www.ijhpl.com/
-International Journal of Modern Trends in Business Research (IJMTBR) – elSSN: 2600-8742 -
-International Journal of Modern Trends in Social Sciences (IJMTSS) – elSSN: 2600-8777 -
-International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices (IJEMP) – elSSN: 2600-8750 -
**Note: All journal is index by MCC (Malaysia Citation Centre)
-Bahasa Malaysia
Separate charges will be incurred for Editing and proofreading services upon reviewing the full article.